Sbonelo Ntokozo Sosibo

Ntokoza Sbonelo Sosibo was born on 21 March 2001, and grew up and went to school in the Impendle area of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands.

Ntokozo, also known fondly in the studio as Sausage, has a passion for music and art, and brings things to life through her creativity.

In 2019, Ntokozo met Ardmore Sculptor Qiniso, who suggested she approach Ardmore to work as a ceramic painter. However, Ntokozo was called by family matters back to the Eastern Cape.

In January 2022, a close friend, Thabo Molefe, suggested Ntokozo bring some of art and come for an interview. Fée liked Ntokozo’s at, believing it was a wonderful fit for the Ardmore studio, and took her on as a ceramic painter.

Ntokozo is grateful for the opportunity to expand her skills at Ardmore, growing in her creativity, and learning from other artists.

The detailed and realistic work of Stah and Nthulisi, fellow ceramic painters at Ardmore, is particularly inspiring to Ntokozo, her strives in her style of realism to bring the animals she paints to life with nuanced detail.

Artwork made by Sausage

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